How to become Translation Editor in WordPress?

In our previous article How to contribute to a WordPress Translation, we learned how you can contribute to WordPress polyglots projects and make WordPress available in your native language. Today we will learn how to become Translation Editor in WordPress?

When you translate anything on any project, that needs to be reviewed and approved by the appropriate locale team member. They are called Project Translation Editor(PTE), General Translation Editor(GTE), and Local Manager(Who can appoint a user as PTE). You can find your particular language community people from

Find your Locale Team

Visit now in the search box type your language and you will see the result. Now click on the user icon and you will be navigated to the Locale Team page.

Locale Team

Project Translation Editor(PTE) is the position or the rights to you for any particular WordPress project, whether it is a theme or plugin. Where you can translate the strings directly, you do not need someone else’s review and approval. You can apply Project Translation Editor(PTE) requests for any of your Themes or Plugins which are available on You can also apply for other themes or plugins which you like and that you want to translate that project into a particular language. Make sure you follow their expectation while translating.

It is good if you apply for the PTE request after being a good translator for other projects as well. Because sometimes it is easy to approve your request for General Translator Editor(GTE) or Locale Manager if you did the translation.

If you don’t know how to translate strings check out our previous article How to contribute to a WordPress Translation.

How to request to become a PTE

There are two ways you can request to become a PTE.

  1. Connect with the Local Team’s community on WordPress slack.
  2. You can request on the Polyglots Global Team page.

WordPress has a slack channel for all language communities. You can also join that channel and ask to become PTE for a particular project to a Local Manager. You can find your locale GTE or Local manager from the polyglots team page.

You can also ask on the Polyglots page. You can simply copy and paste the below code and update the things according to that.

(Post Title) PTE Request for [PLUGIN_NAME]

I’ve suggested translations for this [plugin/theme] and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: [Plugin or Theme name(s)]
URL: [Plugin or Theme URL(s)]

o #de_CH

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!

A locale GTE, Locale Manager, or Global Team will check your request and will approve your request for PTE. Now you are the PTE of the project and you can translate as many strings as you want and make that project 100% translated in your language.

Once your request will be approved for any project you will be appreciated by the Translation Editor badge on your profile page.

Translation Editor Badge

Cross-Locale Project Translation Editor(CLPTE)

If you are the author of a plugin or theme and you want to localize your project in all languages then you can go for the Cross-Locale Project Translation Editor(CLPTE) request. Make sure you fulfill the criteria for CLPTE. You must own an author account for this request. This role has the same capabilities as PTE but they can translate into all languages instead of one.

Visit the official page for more information on how to make a request.

This way you become Translation Editor in WordPress.

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